Make Sure That EACH of Your Subscribers is
Worth $1 a Month... Or MORE!

"Without a doubt, this is the single greatest PROFITABLE
list building idea I've ever seen... ANYWHERE!"


What's so GREAT about List Builder PROFITS?

* It's FREE to use.

* It's extremely easy.

* The readership is high-quality and targetted.

* It's not a gimmick or short term fix.

* It doesn't fool or cheat anyone.

* It adds value to your email subscribers.

* It doesn't involve sneaky ad tactics.

* It does NOT involve spam.

* It doesn't require many participants.

* It can make you profitable even BEFORE you start publishing.

* It is future proof

* No one's doing it... it wouldn't matter if they were!

* It's not very time-consuming.

* It will work for virtually ANY kind of email newsletter.

* Scalability is almost infinite. If you want 1,000 extra readers for your ezine and want to boost your profits TEN fold, just keep on adding to the process until you reach your goal.

* It works in any country, with all kinds of people

* It's perfectly legitimate.

* Oh... and it costs NOTHING (or very little) to put in place!

* Absolutely ANYONE can do it.




Dear List Builder & Email Marketer

How would YOU like to add an extra 300 subscribers to your email list this week... and keep doing it week after week, month after month, year after year?

Many moons ago, I learned a set of 'tricks' from a master list building magician.

If I told you his name, you'll SURELY recognize it!

Some of the tricks were simple. Others were more intricate and elaborate. All of them worked. Most of them worked well. A few worked VERY well.

The Key Was To Take Action

I did.

After testing a dozen tactics, I discovered that ONE of them outperformed the others by a factor of 12x. Yes, I got 1,200% higher return from it.

So I decided to scale that one up.

But first, I put it ON STEROIDS!


By creating a special process. A 'killer' series of steps, guaranteed to EXPLODE the profit potential of the sign-up sequence. A drop-dead EASY method anyone can duplicate or model - and get reproducible results.

Then I plugged 'The Tap' into my 'List Profits' system - and sat back to observe the results.

In a couple of weeks, I had added dozens of new subscribers to my list... and made nearly $2.00 per sign up - EVEN BEFORE I SENT OUT MY FIRST EZINE ISSUE!

I was amazed!

That was the best "quick-fix" idea I'd ever seen, and the results were mind-blowing. The time I had spent preparing this experiment was about 4 hours TOTAL... so the return on investment was phenomenal.

This was in 2002. Yes, nine years ago. Over that time, I've used the technique several times.

In various niches.

It kept on working. Very well.

Most recently, I applied it in one of the most brutally competitive online niches - Make Money Online / Internet Marketing.

This time around, I added HUNDREDS of new subscribers - at an average profit of $0.41 per subscriber... again, this was BEFORE sending out even one email!

Without impacting my integrity, I can't keep on repeating this particular promotion (because I'd set a limit of 500 on the offer) - but there are several things about it that I'd like to highlight.

* All it took were 5 friends to help

* Everything happened in just 7 days

* The confirmation rate was 99.6%

* The 'unsubscribe' rate was 4%

And if we go by the "industry standard" of $1 per subscriber per month, then this effort should be worth ($1 x 417 x 12) = $5,004 over a year!

Even if it's only one-FIFTH as effective, that's an extra $1,000 in profit!

Now I'm not saying you WILL get the same results. Your mileage will vary. But this I AM saying...

When you use List Builder PROFITS, you get regular, real-life subscribers actively interested in your content and ezine... not a bunch of people who were fooled into signing up!

You can't build a business using one-time gimmicks, buying subscribers or sending out junk email invitations. You CAN get new subscribers by doing that, but it's not a permanent solution.

* Building a business is about creating value. It causes profitable subscribers to actively seek you out.

* It doesn't require your constant involvement, either. Just a few minutes every week will provide an ever-increasing stream of profit-spinning steady traffic.

* And if you ever want to stop doing it, your readership should maintain its new, higher level... with no further action on your part!

A large list is of little value to an ezine owner if the readers don't respond to initiatives and offers.

My favorite tactic is to focus on attracting consistent, interested and targeted readers who want the content I offer. And are willing to pay for some of it!

List Building PROFITS helps you do this!

Here's What Experts Say!

The first time I outlined this concept in 2002, some of the TOP names in the industry praised it.

Nice succinct and eloquent presentation of a smart online tactic. Good job. - Yanik Silver

The special report is fantastic. It not only tells you why, but it shows you how. It will help many of us make our ezines a smashing success. - John Harricharan

Great little ebook... thanks for sending it :-) - Neil Shearing




This Is Unmatched For Sheer Value!

If anybody knows another way to get so many additional targeted subscribers regularly for a one-time effort or expense, please let me know. I've never heard of anything that even comes close!

This is like having your own reader-magnet, pulling in profitable subscribers for you 24 hours a day!

In this guide, you'll have it all laid out for you in explicit detail. Look, I'm skilled at explaining ideas and concepts in step-by-step fashion that even a child can understand. Don't worry... you WILL understand it completely.

And if you don't, I'll gladly answer any questions or clear up any doubts - until you fully understand how to make this work.

Will YOU get the same (or similar) results?

Yes - and No.

This depends upon a few factors.

1. Are you dreaming of instant riches - or are you in it for the long haul?

2. Will you follow the steps faithfully - and in a value-adding way?

3. Do you have relationships with people who have responsive lists?

Yes, this system depends upon being able to approach partners who have lists - or reaching other sources of targeted traffic.

How About Gifts, Freebies And Bonuses?


You will NOT get anything extra!

Yep. I'm not going to BS you into buying this special report by resorting to gimmicks and freebies. If you've read this far, then obviously you are a value-seeking marketer and e-publisher who is looking for a real, legitimate list building process. I won't insult you by offering you a bunch of fluff bonuses with no practical value.

What I've got here has worked wonders for me, and I believe it will work wonders for you.

Whether you need just a little extra cash flow from your ezine... or you want to completely explode your list's profitability, get this report and I'll show you how.



How much will you pay for it?

What If EACH of Your Subscribers is
Worth $1 a Month... Or MORE!

That's the standard most email marketers are used to hearing. At least $1 per month from each subscriber on your list.

So if this tactic adds a mere 100 new opt-ins to your list, it should be worth ($100 x 12) = $1,200 in a year to your business.

But we all know the kind of exaggerated estimates marketers feed us!

You know it rarely (if ever) works that way in "real life".

So, what if you only manage to get 20 new opt-ins using this approach?

And what if each of them is only worth 50 CENTS per month?

You will still TRIPLE your investment in this report (if you're among the first to order) for only $37.07

Order Now - Click Here



When you order, you'll be taken immediately to a page where you can download my very thorough, very well-documented ebook on EXACTLY how this concept works.

If you're a fast worker and follow instructions quickly, you can have this process up and running within a few hours (or days) - and will see new subscribers signing up to your list soon after.

When you plug this into an already tested and proven email marketing profit funnel, your profits will grow as your list swells in size rapidly.



Refunds? I'm SO sure you will LOVE this report that I'll back it up with a 100% Satisfaction GUARANTEED Guarantee!

If you are not COMPLETELY delighted with your copy just let me know and I'll give you a FULL refund - no questions asked!!!

To Your Success,

The Internet Infopreneur



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email: info (at)